13 Miles Completed @AspChannelSwim

Just swimming is ….

This is half-way in the Aspire Channel Swim Challenge – that is in the time allowed to complete the challenge (I’m a little over half-way in distance – 13 miles done and still swimming on…. But if there is a time in the journey when the water looks dark and forbidding, this could be it. When you are half-way to the other side and have swum a long way, it is a long way back and still a good distance to go.

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Open water swimming is not the same as pool swimming, a theme that keeps coming back, especially as Assessment Day is looming. Assessment day is the day when I’ll find out if my swimming and fundraising skills are good enough for me to join the Aspire Channel Relay team next year. I would love to have an array of logos from local business sponsors to display on this site. It would take contributions of £100 from 17 companies to put me in deep cold water with jellyfish, ferries, waves, swells, more salt than I normally swim in, seaweed, fish, … the list goes on…. I found more “tips” on open water swimming from LoneSwimmer.com

Mile 13 – My swim

This was a hard swim. There was a point at about the 4th 100 fly/drill when I thought of splitting it into two smaller sets, but then what do you normally do when things are getting difficult?

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So, Mile 13 completed as written in the set, can’t wait for the next one 🙂

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